Ahhh hard relate to ALL OF THIS. My littlest is three months old and only now do I feel able to string more than a few sentences together. Even then it’s still quite tasking on the brain. I batch created most of the content for my business before going on leave because, having been here before, I knew I’d enjoy more thinking time and less doing time. The mind works in mysterious ways in this postpartum phase...I’ve felt so creative!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Oh Sarah, I totally get it! I tried continuing my novel when my baby was three months old and it was like wading through treacle. It's only when she hit six months that I felt I had a handle on things. Ideas came when she was very little, but the actual words have had to wait. Batch creating content sounds incredibly sensible! I only wish I'd managed to lay down more words before my baby came (I had a deadline for one week before she was born... it's been delayed by a year now!) but I just couldn't concentrate. On the whole, I'd say the postpartum period has been far more creative and productive when I think about the actual hours I wrestle back each week!

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YES THIS Abigail - all the ideas, none of the words!

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I've always loved the idea of batch content creating and the reality has never quite panned out... I would imagine it takes real commitment and discipline and am so impressed! xx

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Much of the long-form content is repurposed! And I’ve been running a guest blog series to support the journal on my website.

I mostly batch-created graphics and templates that I could easily publish. I think it’s going to change the way I approach work when I’m back from leave and working with clients so I’m glad I tried it. I’ll probably take care of that in one go at the beginning of each month from now on!

The only thing I’m less sure on is carrying on with scheduling since I like to post when I’m in the energy of a piece. I think I’ve unscheduled more than I’ve actually published 😅

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So smart Sarah! I am the same with scheduling - I've done a couple while away on hols but I prefer to post live. The regular email series' are easier to schedule - this one is always scheduled...

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

I think it depends on the actual purpose of the piece, doesn’t it. I like to schedule my emails. Posts on here somehow feel a little different, and yet they’re emailed too!

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Yes definitely... I feel like they have an energy of their own...

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yes I definitely like doing it "live" more which is bloody tricky sometimes eh!

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Oh I was nodding along to everything Abigail said in this post! William is 6 months now, and work is getting harder to cram in to 20 minute slots too. But you’re so right, it helps if you have everything within reach while they’re feeding or napping on you 🤣. I’ve managed to balance my laptop on the smallest of surfaces while he feeds/ sleeps, and get SO much work done.

It’s been wonderful working with you, Laura! 🥰

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The amount of times I've pulled a muscle trying to reach for my laptop without waking the baby! It's definitely taken a little rewiring, but you're right, snatching those 20 minutes where you can feels so good and then when the baby wakes up, I'm ready to switch modes again. I write my Not a Write Off journals when she's snoozing because she's in them so often. Writing about the struggle to write whilst parenting has been a tonic in itself!

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yes looking back it was soooo much easier when N was around 3/4 months...

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Laura Oldfield

I relate so much to this. Finding time for creativity is hard but it’s those moments in between what feel like the more productive moments; they are gold!

Also so agree that supermarkets are great fun for kids! My first is a lockdown baby so we always had great fun going to Big Tesco.

Thanks for the mention as well! ❤️

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I have a friend who taught me the phrase 'when you're working, full work, when you're playing, fully play' and it's helped me accept the change to my lifestyle since having my baby SO much. I used to try and write whilst I watched TV, or wound down before bed, but it meant that I wasn't doing either thing very well!

And yes, The big tesco! It's like a theme park for babies!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Laura Oldfield

I am so bad at that. My piece last week was all about how I really struggle to stay present with my kids, but I do so enjoy the flow state of being fully in work, hopefully I’ll get better at it. I’d say it’s great advice, though. It’s something on my mind at the minute.

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it's great advice, but it's something I find hard to do, and indeed I think my kids get that sometimes Mummy needs to be doing both and that's kind of ok?! As long as there's enough moments of complete presence x

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It’s not easy, is it? Especially when you’re in a good flow state and you have to put the brakes on to parent again!

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I've had to be a bit more "odds and sods" with my approach with the 3 of them, but there's nothing better than getting into that beautiful flow state with work!

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I can only imagine that trying to get chunks of work done with three is like playing a game of whack-a-mole!

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yep and they need you more as you get older but obvs in different ways but being present is ALL IN!! That's my experience anyway x

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and they are still great fun for kids, even my 9 year old, though in spite of us buying nearly all our clothes in charity shops or Vinted she still tries to persuade me to buy "treats" (crop tops...)

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Loved reading this, especially this quote:

Creativity has come in unlikely places, as there are gorgeous, unexpectedly mindful gaps that have allowed my imagination to kickstart again

I really feel that - for me motherhood has made me more creative and given me a totally different perspective. It's a different rhythm of life too isn't it, so those gaps where we can be creative kind of appear and we have to grab them! Mostly for me that's when I'm feeding my youngest to sleep! Laura, I hope you feel better soon and Claire, I relate to the weaning, still feeding her at 16mo and wondering how long we've got left xx

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

I totally agree with you about the different rhythym of life. Before, I used to fill pretty much any 'empty' time with podcasts, TV, scrolling on my phone, etc, possibly as a real fear of just letting my thoughts exist. Finding that internal silence again has allowed for creativity to grow. I've been typing my Not a Write Off journals in the five or ten minutes after I've fed baby to sleep and before I transfer her to her crib and those are the favourite parts of my day.

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I totally get that. I love that it's your favourite part of the day too, so important to have these moments to fuel us and to look forward to. That's the same time of day I usually write, or when my thoughts are most coherent, because I feel more relaxed. It's hard to get those thoughts down during the day with all the chaos going on!

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I know exactly what you mean. That time feels so settled, so it’s no wonder your mind feels more abele to process thoughts.

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Ah I still fill a lot of my empty time with those things...but I also love the time for writing. It has to be a bit of a balance for me else I feel like it will never happen! xx

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Aww thanks for your comment Jenna - that’s it we are experts at the weave aren’t we... slow cookers and stacking the dishwasher and catching a creative thought to pour into a notebook or notes in our phone later! It’s an intense and beautiful time.

Ah I hear you... for the most part here in the UK it seemed like mums wrapped up either 6 or 12 months in and it’s been a privilege to feed Luna this long - I really miss it already but it was the right time for us. ✨🥹🌺

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Gosh we are! And you don't want to miss that thought either, so it's like write it down while it still makes sense. Intense and beautiful, the right words for it all.

Yes, I've had so many people asking me when I'm stopping feeding. I didn't plan to feed this long, but I love those moments of connection with my youngest and how it's still a comfort to him. It's good when you know it's the right time too, I am sure I will get to that stage soon.

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Yeah I had a rough thought of two-ish years and I’ve stopped more for me because I knew I’d find it harder in winter... I decided the date and it sort of crept up on me. ✨💕

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It's amazing how quickly things come around even when they seem a long way off initially. I think I will be ready to wean at 2 years too, that's next May. Hope it's going ok xx

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They really do!! Ahh yeah two ish is a nice spot.

It’s a cliche but honestly I’d give anything for just an hour of when she was newborn, three months etc etc etc - I love it all so much even though it’s hard! I’m trying not to think about the feeding I’ve taken some nice photos to look at in time...

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oh Jenna I relate to say much of what you say! Motherhood has definitely awoken my creativity each time. It's also forced me to accept I just have less time and that's fine...even when it isn't. And thank you, I'm getting there... xx

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It's so lovely to connect with mums who feel the same as me ❤️. Yes accepting those seasons where we've got less time is tough, but somehow those tiny pockets of time come up and give us that chance to express ourselves. Glad you are feeling a little better ❤️ xx

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Claire Venus, Laura Oldfield

Thank you so much for featuring me! It's so incredibly lovely to have this page to connect with other mumas who are managing to thrive creatively. It's really helped redress some negative preconceptions I had about what it's like to write with a little person in your life. I didn't think I'd ever write about motherhood, but it's stitched into everything I do and is it's own kind of magic! I type my Not a Write Off journals whilst the baby sleeps and it's been such a good way of not just accepting that my writing life looks different now, but embracing it.

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We are so delighted you contributed Abigail - as you can see your writing has had such a gorgeous impact! xx

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Loved reading this and getting an insight into how an author navigates writing with a baby! This is my first time hearing from Abigail and I'm definitely subscribing to her Substack now! Such a lovely post!!

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So pleased to have you! I’ve found that the process of writing about the juggling act of writing and motherhood has allowed me to accept how tricky it can be rather than allow low key resentment to bubble under the surface, which has been an unexpected discovery!

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yep, most of my motherhood poetry was written after my second (the first two are seventeen months apart and it helped)

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she's fantastic isn't she Hunter! x

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